What Is Bedikat HaMayim? A New Passover Tradition to Honor the Sea
The Sea saved our ancestors at this season in ancient days... Let’s return the favor.
One Mitzvah - 6th Annual Reverse Tashlich Water Torah
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Nitzavim, is the perfect parsha to proceed Tikkun HaYam’s Sixth Annual Reverse Tashlich. If you’ve...
Blessings and Curses - Ki Tavo
This Week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ki Tavo, contains an account of an incredible ceremony that was to take place once the Israelites...
The Solution to Pollution is not Dissolution - Ki Teitzeh
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Ki Teitzeh, has many aspects to discuss, including the famous mitzvah of Shiluach HaKan, which was...
The Free or Closed Sea? - Shoftim
This week’s parsha, Parshat Shoftim, has powerful sections that have historically guided the Jewish people, today motivate the work of...
For Lack of a Nail - Re'eh
There is an old ditty that I remember from my childhood that went like this: For lack of a nail, the shoe was lost. For lack of a shoe, a...
Ruben, Gad, and the America's Cup - Matot-Maasei
This week’s double Torah portion of Matot-Maasei is a difficult part of the Torah. Even as a vegetarian, I can accept the many sections...
The Species We Save Just Might Be Our Own - Pinchas
This Week's Torah Portion, Parshat Pinchas, has some very interesting stories. There is, yet again, another round of instructions for how...
A Righteous Uprising
This week’s Torah Portion, Parshat Korach, recounts the story of yet another rebellion against the leadership of Moses and Aaron. Korach,...
Reverse Tashlich Renewed
We have expanded our Reverse Tashlich program to include Repair the Sea Stewards - unaffiliated individuals who want to join the global...