Who is a Guilty Bystander?
In this week's Parsha, VaYishlach, we read the terrible story of Dina, the daughter of Jacob. We probably all know of the 12 sons of...

We Found Water!
Parshat Toldot This week’s Torah portion tells the story of yet another famine in the land of Israel. A Quick Summary: Isaac lived in the...

Just One Word
We may be mistranslating a critical word in the first chapter of the Torah. How does that shape the way humans view our role in this world?

Summer at the Shore: How to make a difference this vacation season.
Josh Keller is the President of Scubi Jew at Eckerd College. He wrote this piece during his summer internship at Clean Ocean Action on...

Underwater in Eilat
My name is Sophia MacVittie. I'm a marine biology major at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida and this summer, I have had an...

Darkness Upon the Face of the Deep
“In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the...

First Ever Scientific Dive at the Dead Sea
Ben Gurion University researchers have discovered deep springs on the floor of the Dead Sea, which provide fresh water to the rapidly...