Innovative Jewish Engagement. Bring Repair the Sea to your community.
We come to you, host programs virtually, or meet you in a beautiful waterfront locations to share the Jewish connection to water and empower you to Repair the Sea.
We think you will see something you are interested in. But in case you don't, you can

Spirituality of the Sea
Join Rabbi Ed Rosenthal, Founder of Repair the Sea, for an exploration of the “Spirituality of the Sea.” Based on teachings and texts from the Jewish tradition, learn what is never discussed in Hebrew School. Anyone can join us for this fascinating experience to explore the deepest essence of the Deep.
This program can be in person or online.
This educational event can be done as part of a larger program.
In Person
On Land
Service Shabbaton
Join Repair the Sea staff in the Florida Keys, Curacao, or in your community to address local aquatic conservation issues from a Jewish perspective. Participants will receive Water Torah educational seminars, and will participate in hands-on restoration and citizen science initiatives to improve the aquatic environment.
Example focuses: Debris Removal, Coral Restoration, Water Quality

In Person
On Land
In Water

Discover Scuba
pool party
Welcome to the Pool Party that changes lives. Our scuba instructors will come to your local pool to teach a short basics in scuba diving experience. Participants will experience breathing underwater, learn about the Jewish connection to water, and be empowered to perform mitzvot related to the ocean.
This educational event can be done as part of a larger program.
In Person
In Water
Waterfront cleanups
Learn how to host a successful and safe debris cleanup and citizen science data collection that is more than just a cleanup - it is a mitzvah. Can be done on shore on from watercraft like kayaks.
We will help you run a successful program and teach participants Ma Nishtanah - what makes this cleanup different than others?

In Person
On Land

Dive Against Debris
Coming soon
Join us in Tampa Bay and dive from our electric boat to clean up debris from local reefs. Our instructors will certify you as a Dive Against Debris specialty diver to ensure you know how to safely remove marine debris while diving.
Our boat is currently in the boatyard, switching from diesel motors to 100% solar powered. Stay tuned for more information!
In Person
In Water

Travel Retreas
Join Tikkun HaYam staff members for retreats in Israel, Curacao, and the Florida Keys. Programs are tailored based on community size, time, and interests. All retreats include Water Torah Jewish learning, hands-on citizen science, and service. Programs are offered for divers and non-divers. Scuba certification programs are available.
Example focuses: Dive Against Debris, Coral Restoration,
Fish Identification Surveys, Shark Awareness
In Person
In Water
On Land
Mitzvot of the sea
Join Rabbi Ed Rosenthal in person or virtually to dive into the Jewish mitzvot that apply to marine conservation. Learn ancient Jewish wisdom, how it applies to today's world, and what steps you can take to incorporate these mitzvot into your life.
This program can be in person or online.
This educational event can be done as part of a larger program.

In Person